Laws of the Other World: Chapter 18

Laws of the Other World Chapter 18


Translating over a mug of coffee.

22 thoughts on “Laws of the Other World: Chapter 18”

  1. Aww, Zhou Yu got to flaunt his skill in front of his dear baby.
    How to Train Your Dragon new movie is coming up and I can’t stop myself from thinking of Mo Ye everytime I see Toothless 😂

    I love the buttons more, it seems more neat ❤
    Good luck on your finals! And thanks for the chapter💕💕

  2. I love this guy, he seems badass enough.
    No little useless shou, such a nice difference :3

    And yes, as mentioned before, one bird just vanished into thin air? xDD Did the author forgot the fifth bird? Or is it maybe killed by Blackie and we will know it next chapter? ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

    For your question: I don’t have a preference.
    But thank you so much for your hard work \(≧▽≦)/ This story is so damn interesting so far!

  3. Seque ahora no cambiará nada pero te go un solo deseo y es que no pongan imágenes con la historia dentro, soy muy mala en inglés y medio le entiendo y para poder leer esta novelas utilizó el traductor de google ヽ(°◇° )ノ(┳Д┳)


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