Laws of the Other World: Chapter 2

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Translating over a mug of coffee.

28 thoughts on “Laws of the Other World: Chapter 2”

  1. Whoooaaa so intense. Such a treat to read this. MC is sooo badass too, even in the face of all that carnage.

    Thanks for the awesome translation ♥️

  2. Whoooaaa so intense. Such a treat to read this. MC is sooo badass too, even in the face of all that carnage.

    Thanks for the awesome translation ♥️

  3. Wow, such an awesome way to start a story! And what a cool, strong protagonist, what strong sense of justice!
    I love it already!
    Can’t wait to read the next chapters!
    Thank you for translating this novel! <3

  4. 😭😭😭😭

    It feels like he just witnessed the murder of his friend, brother, or lover. It felt like they were lovers.

  5. Thanks for translating this novel!

    This scene was really intense, it’s like I’m experiencing this myself. Hahaha

    The monster was somewhat like the one in After Earth. They sense fear.

  6. Love this novel! Love your quality translations! Can’t wait to read more and thank you for picking it up. o/

    Just followed you on tumblr. <3

  7. Love this novel! Love your quality translations! Can’t wait to read more and thank you for picking it up. o/

    Just followed you on tumblr. <3


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